Floating has been shown to have demonstrable beneficial effects on the human brain and body. Since the invention of floating therapy in the 1950s, a large number of scientific studies from independent universities and research institutes have examined the effect and its potential benefits on the human body and brain.
In various countries, floating has gained great recognition. In Sweden, floating therapy is approved as an alternative treatment for stress, anxiety and depression. In addition, floating has gained ground in Canada, New Zealand, the USA, Germany and England, among others.
Below you will find important articles on floating and it’s impact on us:
Effects of flotation-REST on muscle tension pain, Archer, Kjellgren, Sundequist, Norlander (2000)
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Some of the research that has been conducted and has gain wide support and acknowledgement investigate how floatation therapy have a positive impact on:
In addition, several scientific studies are underway regarding:
Taking the body off the mind: Decreased functional connectivity between somatomotor and default‐mode networks following Floatation‐REST
Obada Al Zoubi, Masaya Misaki, Jerzy Bodurka, Rayus Kuplicki, Colleen Wohlrab, William A. Schoenhals, Hazem H. Refai, Sahib S. Khalsa, Murray B. Stein, Martin P. Paulus, Justin S. Feinstein
Human Brain Mapping
Reduced environmental stimulation in anorexia nervosa: an early phase clinical trial
Sahib S. Khalsa, Scott E. Moseman, Hung-wen Yeh, Valerie Upshaw, Beth Persac, Eric Breese, Rachel C. Lapidus, Sheridan Chappelle, Martin P. Paulus and Justin S. Feinstein
Frontiers in Psychology
Flotation-restricted environmental stimulation therapy improves sleep and performance recovery in athletes
Vipan Broderick, Liis Uiga, Matthew Driller
Performance Enhancement & Health
The Elicitation of Relaxation and Interoceptive Awareness Using Floatation Therapy in Individuals With High Anxiety Sensitivity
Justin S. Feinstein, Sahib S. Khalsa, Hung Yeh, Obada Al Zoubi, Armen C. Arevian, Colleen Wohlrab, Marie K. Pantino, Laci J. Cartmell, W. Kyle Simmons, Murray B. Stein, and Martin P. Paulus
Examining the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of Floatation-REST
Justin S. Feinstein, Sahib S. Khalsa, Hung Yeh, Obada Al Zoubi, Armen C. Arevian, Colleen Wohlrab, Marie K. Pantino, Laci J. Cartmell, W. Kyle Simmons, Murray B. Stein, and Martin P. Paulus
Promising effects of treatment with flotation-REST (restricted environmental stimulation technique) as an intervention for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): a randomized controlled pilot trial
Kristoffer Jonsson and Anette Kjellgren
Flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy and napping on mood state and muscle soreness in elite athletes: A novel recovery strategy?
Matthew W. Driller a, Christos K. Argus
Journal Of Elsevier, Performance Enhancement & Health 5, 60–65
Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory isolation in flotation-tank as a preventive health-care intervention – a randomized controlled pilot trial
Anette Kjellgren, Jessica Westman
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, volume 14, Article number: 417
The acute effect of floatation restricted environmental stimulation technique on recovery from maximal eccentric exercise
Paul M. Morgan, Amanda J. Salacinski, and Matthew A. Stults-Kolehainen
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Preventing Sick-leave for Sufferers of High Stress-load and Burnout Syndrome: A Pilot Study Combining Psychotherapy and the Flotation tank
Anette Kjellgren , Hanne Buhrkall , Torsten Norlander
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